The article deals with the importance of the use of didactic possibilities of information technology, the embodiment of which is information-educational environment, and the formation of foreign language knowledge and skills in the context of the curriculum of technical and technological professions, creating the best educational conditions for the development of modern specialists’ key competencies.
Significant potential has trained future specialists of technical and technological professions to implement technical translation, because «translators should possess not only a pure language» and translation competences, but also to understand the specifics of their profession, «own conceptual base of speciality, and know what the text reads».
The traditional approach to the translation competence formation for technical and technological specialists (TTS) was to study the course of translation aimed at technical translation, which was basic and studied by all students, regardless of the profile of training and learning technologies of specific industry.
We believe that to improve information and translation element of integral training of future TTS it is essential to use variable content of education, which aims to expand and specificate the basic knowledge and skills. The article proposes to consider a possible model curriculum on the subject «Technical Translation» for future technical and technological specialties and offers ICT tools (machine translation, CAT tools, Internet) that should be used in preparation for this activity.
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