Strategy, Education, Problem Solving, Teachers, Innovative Problem Solving Strategy, Teaching and Learning Concept.Abstract
The Innovative Problem Solving Strategy (IPSS) was developed as part of pre-service teacher training suggesting a new Teaching and Learning Curriculum (TLC). This research is aimed at analyzing the IPSS effectiveness if applied to solving problems concerned with plant anatomy, as well as at teaching students to use the problem solving strategy in innovative teaching (IT2), and the correlation of innovative ideas and TLC. This article is based on a case study on 94 students of Biology Department in Surabaya State University 2016/2017. The participants were divided into three groups. The data was collected through the assignment of developing a scientific project based on the indicators of innovative study, problem, work step, result, conclusion and developing TLC. The technique of data analysis took into account the indicator proportion, innovation testing and Pearson correlative testing. The results showed that (1) the average of each indicator achievement was≥ 0,7, (2) the result obtained for three groups was consistent, and (3) there was a positive correlation between the innovative ideas and Teaching and Learning concept. Thus, IPSS turned out to be efficient for the teacher to apply the innovative ideas and could be used as a role model for being introduced in the curriculum.
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