criterion, indicator, level, lingual personality, speech personality, derivative lingual personality, foreign student-medicAbstract
The article is an attempt to theoretically reflect, describe and outline the content of such concepts as criterion, indicator, foreign medical students’ lingual personality and speech personality. The methodology of the investigation is based on the principle of a system approach to distinguishing criteria of medical students’ lingual and speech personality formation as well as analysis and synthesis of theoretical works of other scientists, classifications and systematization of criteria, indicators and levels of lingual and speech personality formation. The scientific novelty of the article can be seen in the attempt to find out the peculiarities of secondary lingual and speech personality, define and justify criteria, indicators and levels of such personality’s formation in foreign medical students in the process of intercultural communication. It has been established that there are such basic criteria of secondary lingual and speech personality formation in a foreign medical student as cognitive, communicative and reflective. Knowledge of culture, customs and traditions of the nation and the country where education is obtained, knowledge of norms of modern Ukrainian literary language on its different levels, possessing medical terminology and professional lexicology are presented among the main indicators in formation of medical students’ secondary lingual personality. It is stated that foreign medical students’ lingual personality can be developed through creation of oral monologues, conduction of a dialogue/ polylogue according to the requirements of lingual etiquette, perception of monologues and dialogues, retelling of texts of different styles and types of language, creation of written texts of various genres etc.References
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