
  • Alla Krasulia Sumy State University, Ukraine
  • Yevhen Plotnikov Nizhyn Gogol State University, Ukraine
  • Liudmyla Zagoruiko National Aviation University, Ukraine




Poland's membership in the EU, geopolitical location of the country and the development of the knowledge economy are the main contributing factors increasing the level of internationalization of Polish higher education. Due to the pandemic, HEIs had to change the ways to promote themselves in the international arena. Considering the literature review and studies of Polish researchers, the authors studied the dynamics of internationalization and approaches to assessing higher education systems' internationalization. The article presents the analysis of the state of higher education internationalization in Poland within the world context. The authors revealed the methodology and indicators that have been used in Poland for the internationalization assessment to find some positive practices. Some steps taken by Polish higher education institutions to promote internationalization and take higher positions in the international rankings have been highlighted in the article. They are as follows: establishing service departments or offices for international students within the university structures specializing in serving students from outside the EU, creating support structures for the implementation of international projects, providing support for international accreditation processes for individual programs and faculties, caring for communication, its form, language and content, especially concerning recruiting students from abroad, transparency of the processes of recognizing previous education, creating possibilities to exchange students who will be mainly in need of foreign experiences on the labour market, creating motivation systems, including payroll systems, encouraging teachers to conduct classes in foreign languages. It is stated that investing in internationalization can provide a positive image of the country abroad and help to improve the quality of education. The authors conclude that the benefits of higher education internationalization in Poland are not limited to finance, economic growth and increased competitiveness as it deepens mutual understanding, multilingualism, personal and professional development of the young generation.


Key words: internationalization, Polish higher education, world context, internationalization assessment, international students, multilingualism, personal and professional development of the young generation.


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How to Cite

Krasulia, A., Plotnikov, Y., & Zagoruiko, L. (2022). ON THE PATH TO HIGHER EDUCATION INTERNATIONALIZATION IN POLAND: WHAT AND HOW INFLUENCED THE ITINERARY?. Studies in Comparative Education, (1), 4–16. https://doi.org/10.31499/2306-5532.1.2021.243099

