internationalisation, mobility, higher education, international students.Abstract
The paper contributes to the defining of peculiarities of higher education internationalization in Finland. The issue was revealed from different angles, namely, teaching methodologies, research practices, and external engagement.
The key areas of the internationalisation strategy (2015) have been described in five objectives, namely, international higher education community, increasing quality and attractiveness, exporting knowledge, supporting a multicultural society and global responsibility. A new international higher education and research policy for Finland (2017-2025), titled “Better together for a better world” has been analised withing the crusial recommendations on implementation of policies to promote internationalization. The forum’s paper “Vision for strengthening the international dimension of Finnish higher education and research by 2035” was analysed. It was stated that the “Vision” viewed Finland as the socialty, economically and politically developed country with a strong focus on sustainable development challenges and cooperation. The options proposed by the Finnish National Agency for Education to fund internationalisation of higher education have been investigated. The options contained different possibilities to be involved into EDUFI traineeships, Scholarship Programmes for Doctoral-level studies and research in Finland, Creative Europe (2021–2027), Finnish language and culture studies in universities outside Finland and Civil Servant Exchange Programme. All the mentioned options stimulate higher education internationalisation via cooperation with different stakeholders.
After studied official papers and literature sources it could be concluded that higher education internationalisation in Finland is an integral component of the mission for all Finnish higher education institutions. Minisrty of Education and Culture and Finnish National Agency for Education suppors, coordinate and monitor the internationalisation process within the country.
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