project technology, socio-humanitarian disciplines, research teaching methods, education in war conditions.Abstract
The article is devoted to the analysis of the features of project technology in teaching socio-humanitarian disciplines in wartime. Particular attention is paid to the specifics of the implementation of age-based project activities in secondary and higher education institutions and the cognitive and social differences between secondary school and university students. Changes in the topics of project activities caused by the war are considered. The influence of project technology on the formation of competencies of students is determined. The types of projects that promote the development of critical thinking, civic responsibility, emotional stability, and competencies are characterized. In the practical part of the study, the survey method was used, which allowed us to analyze the project technology from the perspective of educators and students. The theoretical part is based on the principles of nonlinear methodology of cognition, system activity, and axiological approaches. It has been established that the use of project technology in teaching socio-humanitarian disciplines in the context of war helps to increase motivation for cognitive activity, assimilation of knowledge, supports emotional stability, develops competencies, and forms civic consciousness. It is noted that the implementation of project-based learning depends on the age and cognitive capabilities of students. The results of the survey are analyzed, which show the positive impact of project technology on the quality of the educational process and on improving the emotional and volitional sphere, which is especially important in times of war.
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