



Ключові слова: Дальтон-план, технологія, іноземна мова.


The Dalton Plan teaching technology, authored by humanist educator H. Parkhurst, accumulated original ideas of pragmatic pedagogy by J. Dewey.  It was given the analysis of conceptual and categorical apparatus of the Dalton Plan as "the teaching technology", while the scholars' definitions of Dalton Plan vary.  The Dalton Plan teaching technology, which is based on the principle of individualization in education focuses on the development of imagination, talent, creativity and analysis.

Scholars agree that the Dalton Plan is an organization of the educational process based on three principles: freedom (intellectual; freedom of movement, without restrictions on academic time; freedom to choose sources of information), cooperation (interaction in small groups and individual student work and teacher, which allows both teachers and students to participate in the co-construction of curriculum knowledge in the target language) and independence (student's choice of the level of independence of cognitive activity and the trajectory of their development, independence of action in decision-making and responsibility for their choice).

 It was studied that the organization of the educational process in foreign language classes according to the Dalton Plan teaching technology requires the following conditions: adequate material support (organization of educational environment suitable for free communication of students in groups and individual work; constant access to information and library; unimpeded access to specially equipped classrooms to provide audio, video support, necessary for auding while delivering the foreign language class, a large array of various didactic materials) and the willingness of the teacher to change their functions.

Author Biography

Lolita Vorobiova, Mykhailo Tuhan-Baranovskyi Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade, Kryvyi Rih

Ph.D. in Education


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How to Cite

Vorobiova, L. (2022). DALTON PLAN TEACHING TECHNOLOGY IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE CLASSES. Studies in Comparative Education, (1), 92–99. https://doi.org/10.31499/2306-5532.1.2022.258091

