technological approach; the teaching of foreign languages; students of non-language specialties; pedagogical systems; history of pedagogical.Abstract
The article reveals the main prerequisites and factors, a retrospective analysis of the technological approach development in foreign languages teaching students of non-language specialties. The technological approach is defined as a socio-engineering ideology in the field of didactics, according to which learning acts as an entirely constructed process with rigidly planned and fixed results. Taking into account the stages of study theory formation, the rapid evolution of the technological approach is associated with scientific and technological revolutions and the development of technical teaching aids. The revealed idea is that there have been gradual changes in the foundations of pedagogical systems for a long time. It started from the dominance of individual skills of teachers from creating a system of conventional "established" methods, then the development of teaching aids and related techniques – moved to pedagogical technologies where the role of the teacher and his pedagogical technique are significantly reduced, and any subjective factor disappears completely. The specifics of the development of the technological approach to teaching foreign languages are identified, and the list of those mainly used in training students of non-language specialties is outlined. Emphasis is placed on the leading role of computer-oriented pedagogical technologies that can compensate and model the natural foreign language environment for individual and differentiated learning of a foreign language. The advantages and disadvantages of the technological approach are determined; because of this, it is expedient to combine it with other approaches in the practice of foreign language teaching.
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