education policy; foreign language; future teachers training; higher education institutions; reforms; decrees; students; Soviet Ukraine.Abstract
The system of higher education after World War II generates the significant research interest, because the period between in 1948–1961 is considered to be an important milestone in the formation of foreign language education. 1948 was marked as the beginning of a new stage in the history of foreign language education at Ukrainian higher education institutions as many higher educational institutions faced the task of training foreign language teachers. Attempts to reform higher education and develop a new training system of future foreign language teachers in higher education institutions were made in the conditions of crisis of higher and secondary education, triggered by social and economic reasons. They led to the closure of higher education institutions, the decline of the education quality, the weakness of higher education authority. On the basis of a large collection of archival documents and contemporary sources that have not been analysed yet, the present paper deals with the policy impact on reformation of foreign language education system after World War II. Focusing on the problems of foreign language education after World War II the authors of the paper provide an insight into educational reforms, having analyzed a great number of decrees and pointed out the changes that were made by the government in 1948–1961. According to the reforms conducted in the direction of improvement foreign language education in Soviet Ukraine the positive changes were found out: the reorganization of higher education institutions in the direction of foreign language education development (higher education institutes of foreign languages were formed presupposing the establishment of philological faculties and faculties of foreign languages); the methodological training of foreign languages teachers got started; the role of oral foreign language speech in foreign language teachers training was strengthen; new curricula and programs for the training of future teachers of foreign language were introduced; a practical component into foreign language education was implemented.
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