educational environment; accessability; participants of the educational process; princoples.Abstract
Russia's military aggression against Ukraine has challenged the whole existence of our state, its sovereignty, unity and has caused a number of serious problems for the national education system, which are associated with the large-scale destruction of educational institutions, forced displacement of all the participants of the educational process both within Ukraine and abroad, as well as limited access to education for many Ukrainian schoolchildren and students in terms of wellbeing and safety.
Despite the negative consequences of the military actions, a number of international organizations emphasize the importance of continuing education in crisis situations. Thus, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine developed a number of educational projects to meet the key priorities of educational policy for the period of martial law. One of the aspects in ensuring effective educational process is the creation of a safe, accessible educational environment, comfortable for all participants in the educational process, necessary for sustainable functioning and development.
Under the accessible educational environment in the times of war we understand the system of psychological and pedagogical conditions aimed at organizing safe educational interaction of the participants in the educational process; creating opportunities for equal access to education for all school-age children both in educational institutions (in person) and remotely.
The main principles of creating an accessible educational environment are: integrativity, differentiation, individualization, practical orientation, adaptability.
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