Russian-Ukrainian war; Russian aggression against Ukraine; “Special military operation” (“SMO”); occupied; Kherson region; education.Abstract
The article analyzes the policy of the Russian authorities in the occupied Kherson region in the sphere of education, during the period from the end of February to the of October 2022. It turned out that at the initial stage, the top Russian government had no definite plans for the occupied territories. Most likely, at that moment, it was not about the full integration of Kherson region into the Russian Federation but only about military-civilian control over the territory.
At the time of the illegal annexation of Kherson region and its inclusion in the Russian Federation (30 September, 2022), the failure of the occupation administration's policy in creating a quasi-educational policy is demonstrated. The following factors cause this situation: a) lack of a well-developed policy of action in the educational sphere in the occupied territory; b) rapid change of the situation on the fronts, activation of the process of liberation of the occupied territory by the Ukrainian army, strengthening of morale among the population; c) low level of support of the population of the occupation authorities and collaboration among educators; d) successful opposition of the Ukrainian government and local self-government bodies to the challenges faced by the education of the occupied territory in organizational and financial matters.
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