formative feedback; synchronous distance learning; students; teachers; University; ESPAbstract
The facts presented in the article indicate that the only possible form of mass education in Ukraine in war conditions is synchronous distance learning. An analysis of relevant modern foreign and domestic studies has shown that researchers consider feedback in the learning process as one of the central concepts in education, paying considerable attention to the characteristics of feedback forms, including the formative one, but the ways of its implementation in the process of synchronous distance learning have not been sufficiently studied. The authors' study proves that in synchronous distance learning of ESP on the ZOOM platform, formative feedback is possible under certain technical and didactic conditions. Formative feedback is possible and should occur at all stages of the ESP session. The article describes the practices of organizing effective formative feedback used by the authors of the study while teaching all types of speech activity: listening, speaking, reading and writing. Compared to offline learning, synchronous distance learning significantly increases the share of formative peer feedback, which contributes not only to the activation of the educational process, but also to the socialization of students. The study focuses on the fact that feedback is a two-way process that affects the performance of both the recipient of feedback and the one who gives it. The results of the study can be useful for both university foreign language teachers and school teachers.
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