translanguaging; multilingualism; linguistic heterogeneity; linguistic inclusion; war in Ukraine; migrants; German schools.Abstract
Schools in countries experiencing high levels of migration, such as Germany, serve as unique settings where diverse cultures and languages converge. The linguistic heterogeneity within primary schools is continuously expanding, further catalyzed by the ongoing war in Ukraine. As a result, the prevailing monolingual language culture in today's schools necessitates critical examination. This raises the pressing question of identifying approaches that facilitate the inclusion of children from migrant backgrounds, while simultaneously recognizing and harnessing the multilingualism of pupils as a valuable learning resource.
This article presents a comprehensive analysis of notable experiences centered on the integration of Ukrainian students into the German academic environment. Notably, educational welcome groups and the implementation of the revolving door model have emerged as prominent initiatives in this context. These initiatives demonstrate the commitment of schools towards acknowledging the linguistic diversity of their student body and actively promoting their multilingual capabilities.
Moreover, this article undertakes an in-depth examination of the specific requirements imposed on teachers engaged in fostering inclusive education practices. It also addresses the challenges that educators may encounter when employing translanguaging methods within their pedagogical practices. Translanguaging, a pedagogical approach that encourages the flexible and strategic use of multiple languages, has garnered considerable attention as a means to promote multilingualism and facilitate the academic integration of linguistically diverse students.
By shedding light on the experiences of integrating Ukrainian students and exploring the implications for inclusive education, this article contributes to the broader discourse on addressing the needs of linguistically diverse student populations. It underscores the importance of adopting inclusive practices that embrace students' languages and cultures, while equipping teachers with the necessary skills and support to effectively implement translanguaging strategies in their classrooms.
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