Тенденції докторської підготовки в Європейському освітньому просторі
тенденції, докторська підготовка, якість докторської освіти, підходи до наукового керівництва.Abstract
На основі здійснення теоретичного аналізу європейського освітнього простору визначено тенденції докторської підготовки: правову, реформаторську, пріоритетну, організаційно-освітньої динаміки, організаційно-управлінську; здійснення наукового керівництва, відповідальності, інтернаціоналізації, мобільності навчання.
На основе осуществления теоретического анализа европейского образовательного пространства определены тенденции докторской подготовки: правовую, реформационную, приоритетную, организационно-образовательной динамики, организационно-управленческую, осуществление научного руководства, ответственности, интернационализации, мобильности обучения.
There was the academic revolution in the higher education system at the end of the 20th – beginning of the 21st centuries, which is characterized by great changes and transformations, primarily globalization. In such conditions on the one hand there appear the opportunity to study and conduct research that go beyond borders, on other hand – the challenge for national culture and autonomy can be seen. The key problem, which can solve the mentioned contradiction, is quality of education at all levels, including doctoral training, as the number of international research projects is increasing. So there should be enlightened the leading trends in doctoral training in the European Educational Space, which influence the doctoral training quality ensuring. Among them: legislative, which is characterized by making the doctoral training legislative framework; reformational, which grounds on transforming all the components of doctoral training; priority, which determines the key direction – ensuring the quality of doctoral education; organizational and educational dynamics, which lies in the rapid increase of doctoral research quantity; pragmatic, which is caused by the profound interest of scientists to third cycle education and research projects realization to solve undecided issues; organizational and managerial, which reflects the culture of managing the doctoral studies structure, doctoral schools and doctoral programs functioning; improving the scientific supervision of doctoral programs that significantly influence the improvement of thesis quality if experienced scientific supervisor managers effectively and young scientist receives qualified assistance; responsibility, which lies in charging the main responsibility concerning the doctoral training quality ensurance on higher education institutions; internationalization connected with cooperation in the field of doctoral education with other countries; mobility for better education to ensure the competitiveness of doctoral studies’ graduates on educational and labour markets, reaching the international comparison of educational standards etc.
Studying the European experience of doctoral training gives the grounds for improving and if needed reforming the national model of training in aspirantura (PhDs) and preparation in doctorantura (Doctors of Sciences). This will facilitate the improvement of theses effectiveness and quality.
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