Тенденції розвитку сербської баянно-акордеонної школи в контексті культурно-історичної періодизації
баянно-акордеонна школа, періодизація, музична освіта, педагогічні технології, фах, фахова компетентність.Abstract
У статті розкрито роль сербської баянно-акордеонної школи як складника національного загальноосвітнього та культурного феномена. Визначено її здобутки на науково-педагогічному та історико-педагогічному рівнях, виявлено закономірності навчального художньо-виконавського репертуару як невід’ємного атрибута музичного виховання, що уможливило визначити тенденції розвитку баянно-акордеонної школи Сербії в контексті окреслених історичних періодів.
В статье раскрыто содержание сербской баянно-аккордеонной школы как составляющей национального общеобразовательного и культурного феномена. Определены ее достижения на историко-педагогическом и культурологическом уровнях, выявлены закономерности учебного художественно-исполнительского репертуара как неотъемлемого атрибута музыкального воспитания, что позволило определить доминанты и тенденции развития баянно-аккордеонной школы Сербии в контексте исторических периодов.
In the article the content of Serbian accordion school as part of the national educational and cultural phenomenon. Identified by its achievements in scientific-pedagogical, historical and musicological, theoretical aspects of teaching, the regularities of the school of Art and Performing repertoire as an inherent part of musical education, which allowed to determine the dominant and the educational and pedagogical trends accordion school in Serbia in the context of historical periods.
Raised the question of determining patterns of Serbian bayan-accordion school is considered within the formation of a national musical and pedagogical ideas tenets of eminent personalities, performers, music teachers and educational institutions of Serbia: during the laying of the foundation of the national bayan-accordion school (in terms of widespread bayan-accordion education of household-amateur music).
Serbian accordion school commonplace considered in the context of cultural and historical events and musical and educational trends of the second half of the XX – XXI century and in different areas of artistic and musical and educational activities of its members. The feasibility of such historical and pedagogical research due: Serbian commonplace knowledge-accordion school as a component national heritage; lack of systematic analysis of development trends; the need to identify prerequisites for becoming commonplace Serbian accordion schools that require the study of historical, cultural and musical and educational trends of the late XIX – early XX century.
On the basis of the Serbian historical, educational and related literature found that a single periodization cultural and historical events and musical and educational trends exist. Serbian authors refer mainly to the study of certain cultural and historical events that remain disconnected from a single cultural-historical process. This led to the need to systematize historical sources, grouping information collected comparative analysis, identification and analysis of important historical data in the context of the study and definition of problems on these grounds cultural and historical periods of Serbian commonplace-accordion school.
The study proved periodization of the development of the Serbian accordion school, including five periods: the first (the end of the XIX century – until 1909) – educational and installation; the second (1909–1940 years) – educational reorganization; third (1940–1960 years) – educational stabilizing; fourth (1960–1990 years) – the national affirmative; fifth (1991 – beginning of XXI century) – the national self-sufficiency. Essential characteristics of the formation and development of the Serbian accordion school prerequisites identified its origin – the origin of the instrumental practices related instruments (the end of the nineteenth – until 1909); dissemination of amateur art bayan-accordion (1909 – 1940 years); the emergence of private educational and pedagogical training system bayan-accordion (1940–1960 years); features of formation and development of the accordion education – the introduction of the practice of training musicians in the profile «Bayan accordion» in public elementary and secondary music institutions (1960–1990 years); formation of higher accordion link (1991 – beginning of XXI century).
In our view, the proposed periodization of Serbian commonplace accordion-school music and educational trends against the backdrop of the relevant cultural and historical context does not contradict selected historical periods. On the contrary, the deployment of cultural and historical events, the dynamics of music education and the development of Serbian accordion school commonplace-we consider in the context of a single historical process.
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